How Accessible Writing Wins the Internet

“How do I stand out online? What’s the secret?” you ask.

Have you ever stumbled upon a social media post, article or blog that felt like a breath of fresh air? Finding yourself deeply engaged and effortlessly absorbing every word? There’s a hidden art to this kind of writing.

An art that can broaden your audience and deepen your impact.

Standing out from the crowd online is difficult. To stand out it’s tempting to dress up your language in layers of complexity. By adding superfluous words there’s a belief your content comes across as more clever and engaging.

But think about it!

The most engaging content isn’t always the most intricate. The most engaging content by definition is the most accessible. It’s simplicity.

Mark Twain once said, “Don’t use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do.” This timeless advice rings especially true in our digital age. Simple, straightforward language isn’t just easier to read; it’s more inviting and inclusive. It breaks down the barriers between the writer and the reader.

“But, i’m after a smart audience!” you yell.

There’s a surprising reality when it comes to what a “smart” audience is relative to the population. A much larger portion of the global population possesses lower literacy skills than we might guess. More so, it’s not only a matter of being literate or illiterate . Even if someone is literate they may not have a ‘high’ reading level.

This data highlights a dangerous reality. By using complex language or unnecessary jargon you’re missing out. Content creators are accidentally excluding millions of people from their audience.

“Alright, I get it! But what can I actually do about it?” you exclaim.

Thankfully, this isn’t new knowledge and multiple tools are available. If you’re not a fan of Twain, what about Hemingway? The Hemingway Editor helps writers craft more accessible content. This free tool checks how simple your work is. It highlights sentences that are hard to read, instances of passive voice, and overly complex words whilst offering suggestions along the way! Try it, copy and paste this article and see my failures — like that last sentence.

It encourages writers to strive for clarity and brevity . If you can get these locked down you’ll also lock down a much more diverse audience.

The power of your words is only realised if your content is understood. Simplicity can be complicated, it can take practice. So get started. Write your next article in Hemingway. As you craft your next piece of content, embrace simplicity. Then watch as your words resonate more deeply than ever before. is making accessibility actually accessible. We are offering free articles, tools and courses, just like the one you’re reading right now! Make sure to sign up for our newsletter at and receive these straight to your inbox!